Monday, July 21, 2014

Review: Paper Towns by John Green

Let's start off with this: John Green writes the same characters over and over again. If you read Looking For Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines and Paper Towns you' ll know what I am talking about. The main characters in all three books are quite similar. Miles (Looking For Alaska), Colin (An Abundance of Katherines) and Quentin (Paper Towns) are basically the same boy. They are kind of quirky and geeky, but still smart and thoughtful. On the other hand, Alaska (Looking For Alaska), Lindsey (An Abundance of Katherines) and Margo (Paper Towns) are these unattainable popular girls, who aren't really the people they seem to be. Still, I liked all of the three books. But, still Paper towns is a favorite out of all three. It's a about a boy named Quentin who was, in his early childhood, a friend with Margo. She is the most popular girl in school. Quentin is completely fascinated by her. He feels that they have this remarkable connection. And one day, this theory of his is kind of confirmed when Margo visits him just before she disappears out of the town. 
Now, I am not gonna go further into describing the plot because it would inevitably lead to its trivialization. But the book was amazing. It's funny and intelligent and sad. The characters, their voices and their struggles were authentic and real. At least to me. What I loved the most is that this was a story of idealizing people and expecting more from them than they can give you. It tells how tragic it can be to love an idea of someone and not that someone itself. If you want to read a book from John Green, and don't know which one to choose, I would recommend this one. You won't regret it.

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